Friday, March 28, 2014

"We're Going on a Bear Hunt"

"We're Going on a Bear Hunt,
We're Going to Catch a Big One,
What a Beautiful Day...
We're Not Scared..."

"We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen is one of my favouritest favouritest favouritest (yes, yes grammar teachers, I do know there is no such word as favouritest ;-P ) children's storybooks.

Let me list at least 5 reasons why?
1. The illustrations are beautiful
2. The words and rhythm of the story is catchy and easy for kids to grasp, understand
3. You can make a song out of it (who doesn't like a storybook with an accompanying tune to it right)
4. It is easy to dramatise with your kids
5. There are so many post-reading activities that you can cook up to reinforce the story

I was first introduced to this book when my first one was 1 year old (that makes it an 8 year old book in my library).  Since then I have been reading and re-reading this book to all my kids. 

I was so obsessed with reading the book... Hmmmm... let me see... no it wasn't me who was hooked onto the book.  It was my kids (Yes, Nora shift the blame onto the kids...wink* wink*) who were so obsessed with it.  They've had me read and re-read and re-read and re-read and re-read and re-read.... I can go on forever writing re-read, cos that was how frequent I have been re-reading to them. So I finally decided, that I am going to record my voice reading it.  Not with the intention that I would finally get a breather or a break from reading the book, cos I personally love reading it, but because I wanted my children to be able to listen to my voice and feel the comfort of listening to it when I am no longer around.  For them to look back when I have departed, and find a recording of their mummy's voice lovingly reading to them their favourite book.  For them to relive their childhood when they have grown and become parents of their own.

As you can see, I have said very little about the technicalities of this book, about the words used, its age appropriateness etc... Because this book is more than words to me and my kids.  It is an experience for me and my kids.  And that's why even if it were tattered and torn and worn out, I will mend it and ensure that it remains in my library for many more years to come.

So to end this blog... here's a video of the reading of "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" -


Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Baby on my Chest

Yesterday, a customer came into the shop with her 2-month old after having brought her child to the BabySpa just next door.

After chatting with me about books and parenthood, somehow she was confident enough to leave her baby with me while she went to the ladies (Seriously, it’s not easy going around by yourself with an infant, especially when you are on high tide).

So there I was with an infant, prematurely in my hands. Why prematurely? Cos mine will come only in a month’s time ;-)  It felt good to have her in my arms, to smell the scent of heaven from her soft hair.  She was sleepy and getting cranky, and so I had to find the most comfortable position to carry her, what with my bulging tummy and all.  I decided then, to sit in my magic armchair and lay her on my chest, with a book in my hands – “Guess how much I love you”, a classic authored by Sam McBratney (Yup, this book can be found in Playdate Books ;-))

As she laid there, contented, her eyes, slowly drooping shut, I read the book softly.  It was a beautiful moment for me, as it allowed me to relax after a hectic day at home and at the shop; and I hope for her too, as she dozes off to sleep against the backdrop of a soothing voice, assuring her that everything’s ok.

(nope that's not me... hehehe)
This moment was between a stranger, me, and a baby I hardly knew.  Can you imagine the feeling I would have felt, if that moment was between me and my very own child?  Can you imagine the bond that would have been forged, if this reading aloud “ritual” is practised with your child daily.
So, that night, I told myself, Nora, when baby is born you have to pick up this book again.  Lay your small infant on your chest and read to her.  Cuddle her… Sing to her… Love Her to the Moon and Back J

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I'm Back!

Wow! What a long hiatus... And now I am back :-)

As I scan my old postings, I smile, I giggle, I cry at the memories that me and my 3 lil' ones have formed together... just through reading.

Many of my friends and my reflection in the mirror (yes I talk to myself in the mirror, and so I believe my reflection knows me best) know me as someone who is very enthusiastic and a wee bit eccentric, though also very cautious and risk averse.

I knew I loved books and reading.  But never never never ever in my wildest imagination did I envision myself to open my own bookshop nor to start a business revolving around reading. NEVER!

My obsession with reading aloud and its positive effects on developing readers started when my first born was a mere one year old, I think. I knew my daughter and I enjoyed our reading times together.  We bonded, we learnt and the bonus was when she started to read independently without any compulsion from me whatsoever at the age of 2.5 years old.

Then during one of the early childhood courses that I took up voluntarily (just to escape from the boredom of auditing in the corporate world), I picked up a book "Reading Magic - Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever" by Mem Fox.  This book changed my life.  From that moment on, I decided that I would pursue literacy for young children on a more serious level.

But, I didn't know I was going to get this serious ;-)

And today I planted this determination in my heart, as I re-opened my blog, to truly pursue Playdate's mission - "To encourage reading and enhance literacy among children, by making reading an enjoyable experience." To ALL children, from ALL walks of life, from ALL types of backgrounds,

And of course, to ensure that my children, the very gems that I seek to protect, shine and polish, remain bonded with me through the seeking of the true knowledge.