Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Turtle, turtle, Watch Out by April Pulley Sayre

This was our bedtime story tonight.

When I first picked this book out, I wasn't expecting much from the kids, as the story is pretty long, and I thought hmmm... perhaps it'd be boring for them. But I went ahead to borrow it, as its content appealed to me as a parent.

Turtle's story "could be a short story - or no story at all - if not for helping hands." That's how the story begins, It tells o...f the many dangers that turtle faces in her life; and her life would have been short if not for all the help that she receives.

A great story for kids to learn about environmental conservation and the need to care for other creatures around us (in this case being the turtles).

What then became of my initial apprehension of it being too long a story... well my worry was completely unfounded. Even my 3 year old enjoyed it and hugged it to sleep; and my 8 year old who was dozing away (but with ears pricked up) woke up after the story to answer my questions.

Also, due to the repetition of the phrase "Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out!", my 3 and 5 year old now have another 3 more words added to their reading repertoire ;-)

For older children, there's even a section at the back which tells of the different species of turtles, which got my 8 year old all excited and determined to check out the website the next morning.

Good night everyone. Sweet dreams :-)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh

The MICE are back!
I thought the MICE only PAINT... So it was a pleasant surprise to find out that they COUNT too!
This was one of the books I read aloud to my kids for the World Read Aloud Day on 6 March 2013. 
As the title suggests this book introduces young children to the concept of counting from 1 to 10 as well as backwards from 10 to 1.
For young readers, it is a good book to teach them number words, as the numbers one to ten, are clearly displayed in the respective pages, for further reinforcement by the parent.
Ellen's characteristic and engaging style of writing also makes teaching children these numerical concepts so fun and appealing.  
And the possibilities for post-reading activities and games for this story are endless!!! You just need some creativity and that lil' bit of time (15 min is enough).
I found this book when googling for the well-known book by Ellen Stoll Walsh - MOUSE PAINT; and found that actually there are other "MICE" books by her -
  • Mouse Count
  • Mouse Shapes
  • Balancing Act
 My next search in the library will be... Yes you guessed right - MOUSE SHAPES and BALANCING ACT.