It's laundry day and Trixie will be helping daddy today. It all starts fine and Trixie's in a jolly mood. She's daddy's little helper today. But on the way home, Trixie REALISED SOMETHING and her mood made a 180 degree turn... And Daddy doesn't have a single clue what caused the hullabaloo...
I had to repeat this story to my kids at least 3 times per reading cause they enjoyed it so much... They loved the fact how the dad went from calm to frazzled and finally to a point when he nearly lost it, about a problem which could have been easily solved if the dad had been a little more observant.
The pictures and words are classic Mo Willems... Simple yet very expressive. Its best suited for 2 years and above.
The parent reader will learn a thing or two from it too - (i) What causes tantrums? (ii) How to prevent tantrums?
It's a pity that I've gotta return it to the library.... My inner child is telling me "Can keep it mama... Can I? Can I?"